Hepatitis C transmission is mainly through exposure to blood-containing hepatitis C. There is further research to confirm that if you are in a long-term single-type relationship with someone who is infected with this infection, the risk of getting hepatitis C virus is quite low - unless you yourself have Acute immunodeficiency virus. Read more to understand also a special note about the Tab Daclatasvir 60mg at the end. This tablet use is mainly to treat hepatitis C infection How to prevent the case of sexual transmission couples must not share toothbrushes, razors, and nail clippers. During anal sex or menstruation, the risk will increase as it will definitely cause more bleeding. The risk of getting hepatitis C infection increases if you are already HIV infected. Under special cases, the risk also increases if you have sex with multiple partners for a short term who are also infected with this virus. Under such situations, a condom is to be used to prevent the tran...