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Unknown symptoms of lung cancer in children

Lung cancer is rare in kids. Therefore lung conditions are mistaken and ignored. They are sometimes said to be common respiratory conditions. Such as asthma, common cold, and other respiratory infections.

The next question is this. If these symptoms indicate that, what to look for? They are enlisted below. Please note, these symptoms persist or keep returning. Therefore, observe them carefully.

● A continuous cough for a lengthy time
● Chest pain that becomes serious when taking deep breaths
● Chest pain with persistent coughing
● Fatigue
● Wheezing
● hoarseness
● Decreased sensation of eating
● unexplained weight loss
● More frequent respiratory infections
● Spitting blood with cough
● Disturbance in the respiratory system with breathing

What is the reason for lung cancer in children?

A general concept is this. Cells become cancerous with abrupt DNA changes. Further, such cellular changes result in abnormal multiplication of cells.

Certain cancers are inherited. That means they are passed on from our parents. Sometimes cancers are not always inherited. Genetic changes happen for other studied reasons.

These are errors in our cells when they divide. Such a continuous cycle of abnormal cell division disturbs the genetic material. Even harmful exposure to substances plays a crucial role in this.

The basic reasons behind genetic lung cancer are not understood well. National cancer institute states 6 to 8 percent of lung cells become cancerous.

The ongoing results state the other factors behind lung cancer. American cancer society explains about genetic changes are not explainable much.

Types Of child associated lung cancer

In children, there are different types of lung cancer. Cancer will either remain in the lungs. In this case, it is known as primary lung cancer. In other forms, Lung cancer can quickly spread to other regions. Such forms are metastatic lung cancer.

● Small-cell lung cancer: This is less common but more usual to spread.

● Non-small-cell lung cancer: It spreads slowly and is more commonly occurring. Large cell carcinoma, Adenocarcinoma, and squamous cell carcinoma are the major types.

● Rare cancer types– metastasized cancer (The abnormal cells originate elsewhere & spread to the lung), Chest wall tumors, carcinoid tumor, and mediastinal cancer. Such are rare forms of lung cancer.

What are the reasons behind it?

There are many reasons. Some of them are as follows:

● Passive smoking – When a parent or caretaker smokes, it is harmful. The children can breathe in the smoke. The smoke contains nicotine. Nicotine causes cells in the lungs to become cancerous. It then forms a tumor tissue.
● Environmental stimulants– (Air pollution – for example) – exposing to harmful air molecules is dangerous.

● Genetic or family pattern– If any family member has/had the disease, it is dangerous for generations. Children will become susceptible.

Treatment with the possibility of cure

Crizotinib 250mg capsule uses in pediatric patients with non-small cell lung cancer. Although, its efficacy and monitoring of adverse events are crucial. Still, the process is underway. Although studies are still going on, efficiency is vital. Never to be denied.


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